Addiction Treatment Consultation

Making the right choice for chemical or virtual dependency treatment can be a confusing and frustrating process. Is outpatient treatment enough or does your loved one need a residential program? Which type of therapist is the right choice; a professional counselor, clinical social worker, or a psychologist? When is the right time for family or couples therapy? These are just a few of the many questions loved ones ask themselves when trying to help their loved one. 

Having a guide with professional experience in treatment centers who also takes the time to listen and understand the unique needs of each family, can provide sound guidance and peace of mind. 

Whether your situation calls for a one time meeting to offer specific treatment recommendation or the family needs ongoing support, Dr. Bigler can help you and your family develop a plan to help your loved one, bringing much needed confidence and peace in your home. 

We Can Help With Getting The Right Care

Whether your loved one is ready for treatment but you need help finding the right lace, or if your fmily needs help motivating you loved one to go to treatment, we can. Review the options below and select the option that best describes ha you need.

Drug Treatment 101

There are many factors when it comes to planning treatment for you or a loved ones Substance Use Disorder, and those factors go way beyond just picking the right place. Deciding whether residential or outpatient treatment is best. Will treatment require medical assisted detox services? What is their treatment philosophy? How involved are family members in the process? These are just a few of the many important aspects of treatment that should be understood before walking into  treatment center. 

With our Drug Treatment 101 course, Dr. Bigler will guide you through the process and help you make the right choice for your treatment journey. 

Substance Use Assessment

Most treatment centers will have an individual complete a substance use assessment to determine the right services and level of care a person needs before starting treatment. However, as each program is unique, this leads to the individual seeking treatment to possibly complete multiple assessments, at a time when their motivation is limited and their resolve for sobriety is challenged. 

Completing an assessment independently with Pinnacle Psychology with empower you or your loved one to know the right level of care they need, which allows the process of finding the right program to go quickly, increasing the chance that you or your loved one will actually start treatment. 


Sometimes a loved one will resist going into treatment, This is when the experience and clinical skills of an interventionist is needed. 

Interventions start with family and friends informing the interventionist about the individual's pattern of use, consequences, and collaborating on treatment goals and boundaries if necessary. This information allows the interventionist to find the right program, start the admissions process, and arrange transportation. 

The interventionist will lead the discussion to help your loved one see the need for treatment, support boundaries, and will travel with your loved one to their treatment center to ensure their safe arrival.